Don’t use your teeth as tools!
They’re not designed to:
- Crack nuts
- Tear Sticky tape
- Cut string
- Chomp on sixpences in the Christmas pudding
Look after your teeth and they’ll look after you!
Hit the cheese board!
Cheese is good for you (in moderation!)
It’s a bit alkaline so neutralises some of that acid in the desserts. It contains lots of calcium and other good things and has been shown to reduce the risk of tooth decay.
Fill-Up on Turkey and Veg!
You’ll get lots of protein, minerals and trace elements and won’t have so much room for the sweets and pudding!
Watch What Goes into the Nut Roast!
If you’re making your own don’t use too much lemon juice (erosive!) or sweeteners. Substitute these things with more herbs instead. That will improve the flavour and protect your teeth!
Eat Those Chocolates All At Once!
No, we’re not recommending a chocolate binge; it’s just that the damage from sugary snacks is less if they’re eaten all at once. Spreading them out throughout the day keeps the bacteria in your mouth very happy but makes the enamel on your teeth very sad!
It Doesn’t Have To Be Chocolate!
Have bowls of fresh nuts about to eat as snacks. Fresh fruit is good too but remember most fruits contain acid so follow-up with a glass of water to rinse most of it away. Other things could include shredded celery, carrots or olives.
Tis’ the Season to be Jolly!
But that doesn’t mean endless alcoholic drinks. Plain water is invaluable to cleanse the system when we’re eating and drinking too much. Even tea can help as it contains lots of fluoride.
Don’t Just Think of Your Teeth
Don’t want to put a dampener on things but alcohol, especially spirits increases your risk of mouth cancer. Even if you’re not a regular smoker having a festive cigarette or cigar while drinking alcohol increases your risk 30-fold!
Do Something Fantastic For The Children!
A liking for sugar isn’t inborn. We learn it! Most small children screw their faces up the first time they’re given sweet things. If you think giving sweets to children is kind, go and look at them when they leave the hospital extraction clinic. More children are admitted to hospital to have teeth out than for any other reason. Give them alternative treats at Christmas, avoid the sweetened drinks and provide them with a lifetime of dental health!
Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Early!
Yes, I know. On the 1st January you’re going to eat less, exercise more and lose weight! Prevention is better than cure! Watch what you’re eating and drinking over the Festive Season. Remember (from last year!) what over-eating and over-drinking feels like. Not jolly! Being a little bit careful now will make you feel better, need less austerity later and even look after your teeth!
Avoid Stains!
Blackcurrant juice, cranberry sauce, red wine, turkey curry and a host of other things can really stain your teeth. Watch what you’re eating. Even in the midst of the celebrations don’t forget to find time to clean your teeth regularly. At least that way they’ll have a White Christmas!
Not Ho Ho Ho!
If you do break a tooth over the holiday period and it is sensitive the following things can help until you can get a dental appointment:
- Don’t eat or drink anything too hot or too cold
- Avoid ‘sharp’ foods like vinegar or lemon juice
- Try to cover the tooth. Most chemists sell dental temporary filling materials. If all else fails chew-up a piece of sugar-free chewing gum, dry the tooth as much as possible with a tissue and push the gum over it. That will give temporary relief.
We hope you may find some of these comments useful. Our practice team are always ready to give you any advice you want on dental health. Just ask us!
Avenue Road Dental Practice sincerely wishes all its current and future patients a tremendous holiday period.
Season’s Greetings and a Happy New Year to Everyone!
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