Emergency Treatment

Emergency Dental Appointments, IOW

If you are a patient of ours and have severe toothache, call us on 01983 759567. Call before 10.00am and we will make every effort to see you the same day. Our emergency appointments are limited and we can normally only offer an emergency service to our regular patients.

Many of our patients contact us for the first time due to a dental emergency.

This could be:

  • Toothache
  • A lost crown or bridge
  • A lost filling
  • A loose tooth
  • A broken denture
  • Swelling
  • The result of an accident
  • A problem with the skin of the mouth

We want to help you as quickly as possible so will arrange a New Patient Examination for you as soon as we can. When this has been completed we’ll know more about you and be able to offer you appropriate treatment.

If you have an emergency we will assess your problem at the examination and provide treatments to give you rapid relief. These may include:

  • Tooth extraction
  • Drainage of an abscess
  • A temporary filling
  • Re-fixing a lost crown or bridge (when possible)
  • Provision of de-sensitising materials
  • Other treatments as appropriate.

To Make An Emergency Appointment You Can Either:

Telephone: 01983 759567
Email us: info@wightdental.co.uk

If you are not a current patient of the practice we cannot guarantee to be able to offer you an emergency appointment until you have attended a full new patient examination.

Avoiding Dental Emergencies

It always seems to come at the worst time. On holiday, during a special occasion, even, heaven forbid, at Christmas! Sometimes dental emergencies are unavoidable, but very often they can be prevented simply by ensuring our mouths stay healthy. The best way of ensuring this is to make sure our dentist regularly carries out a full and thorough examination. A full examination takes a bit of time. It can’t be completed in a minute or two.

Typically a full examination consists of:

Mouth cancer screening. Mouth cancer is the most rapidly-increasing form of the disease in the UK. Patients over 18 benefit from being screened at least once each year. Early detection saves lives! Mouth cancer identified early can be treated much more simply than when it is discovered late, and early treatment carries a far better chance of survival.

Soft Tissue Screening. It isn’t only mouth cancer that causes problems. The skin of the mouth can suffer from a variety of other conditions that may need attention to stop them getting worse.

Gum Screening. More teeth are extracted in the UK because of gum disease than because of any other cause. Gum disease takes years to develop but can eventually end with pain, abscesses and swelling.

Examination of the Teeth. Each tooth has 5 surfaces where decay can start. That’s up to 140 surfaces for the dentist to look at in the average patient!

X-Ray Examination. X-rays show the areas you can’t see with the naked eye. They can identify small problems before they become big ones!

Other Tests. Is that discoloured tooth still alive? Might it be developing an abscess? Does that crown look tight or is it on the point of falling off? Is that just staining or is it tooth decay? These and other issues are considered at a full exam.

Clinical Photographs. To help you see any problems with your teeth and to act as a record for comparison in the future.

A modern dental examination is much more than ‘just a check-up’. It can make the difference between a lifetime of dental health or continual problems and unexpected emergencies.

Prevention really is better than cure and prevention starts with a full examination.

A full new patient consultation at Avenue Road Dental Practice costs £140.00 and includes all the things listed above. In addition we look at your general health and tailor your treatments with your well-being in mind. We try to get to know you and listen to your concerns.

Our aim is to provide you with a service which is comfortable, convenient and designed to keep you healthy. Everybody has enough worries; don’t let unexpected toothache be one of them!