What we are doing to protect your health at Avenue Road Dental
Team members at Avenue Road Dental Practice constantly review our health and safety policies. Protecting the health of our patients has always been our highest priority and the Coronavirus pandemic brought this into even sharper focus.
During the period of lock-down the team at Avenue Road Dental Practice stayed very busy.
When you come back into the practice you’ll notice some changes but we’ve made other improvements that you won’t find so obvious.
These are some of the things we have done:
The Reception area has been cleared. All unnecessary items have been removed. Unfortunately, that also includes the joke books but hopefully some day they’ll come back!
All our wicker furniture and fabric covered chairs have been removed and replaced with items which can more easily be disinfected. A screen has been placed on the reception desk to protect patients and staff where social-distancing is difficult. An intercom has been installed outside the front door so that patients as well as delivery and other visitors can communicate with us on their arrival.
An area has been reserved for patients to put on face masks and sanitise their hands. Boxes have been provided for items such as coats and bags to avoid the need for them to come into contact with any surfaces in the treatment rooms.
We have developed systems for team members to be able to communicate with each other in different rooms without the need to make unnecessary journeys through the building.
We are making the practice as paper-free as possible to again reduce infection risk through the transfer of documents.
Ventilation in the treatment rooms has been improved. Electronic disinfectors have been installed to disinfect the air in the rooms after appointments. In addition to using these items we will also be continuing to carry out our routine stringent decontamination procedures as well as our extensive use of disposable equipment wherever possible.
Clinical team members have successfully completed fit-testing to enable the wearing of special face masks when appropriate. We’ve also invested in a great deal of other protective equipment including robes, aprons and face visors.
Collectively we’ve taken many hours of postgraduate education to be sure we really stay up to date with the latest information and we’ve developed numerous check-lists and audits to ensure nothing gets left to chance.
We’re very confident the measures we have taken really make our practice a very safe place to be where you can continue to be treated safely and rest assured that your health will always remain our highest priority.